5 Things You Need to Start Making Money from Public Speaking

New to Public Speaking? Here are 5 Tips to Get You Started!

Is it time to go already? Is it time to take steps toward your dream of sharing what you know through public speaking? Becoming a public speaker is one thing. But actually, making money from public speaking?

That’s a whole different ball game.

How to Start Making Money from Public Speaking

Do you have what it takes to go for it? If you’re not sure or don’t know how you know, I’ve got a handy list for you here. Whether you’re new to public speaking altogether or just new to the idea of making money from public speaking, this is one post you can’t afford to miss.

You need to have something to share.

You need something you’re passionate about and believe other people need to hear. It should solve real problems others are experiencing. It can teach or encourage them to take action on something that really matters to them.

(Writing is also an incredibly important skill and activity for public speakers. Visit this post next to learn why writing is the road to riches for public speakers)

You need to really care about the people you want to help.

Like really care about the people you want to help. You need to want to help them badly enough that you’re willing to do the work to get your message out. It will take time and work to make it happen. Anything worthwhile always does, right?

(I know you want to make an impact and discover a path to meaning. This blog post covers why public speaking is your path to both)

Your want has to be bigger than your worry.

You know what I mean? We all have those fears anytime we think about stepping out. What do I really have to share?

Why would anyone care? I’m not an expert in anything. What if I make a fool of myself? Our minds are geared to keep us safe. And for most of us, same = safe. You have to want to help people enough to get past your fear and over yourself.

You need to have realistic expectations about making money from public speaking and be in it for the long haul.

There’s nothing particularly complicated about what we’re doing. And it’s certainly not rocket science.

But it’s work.

Remember: no one gets the speaking opportunities you dream of without doing all the work and taking all the steps to get there. But the work and the steps are so, so worth it.

(Don’t miss this article next for three irrefutable laws about making money from public speaking)

You need a plan. And some help.

As I’m sure you’ve noticed in other areas of your life, the things you want don’t just happen on their own. And that includes making money from public speaking.

But taking small steps daily and weekly will take you where you want to go. There’s a compounding effect of that effort that creates real progress and momentum. It all starts with a plan.

And to take your first step.

One of the very first things you’ll need for your journey to paid public speaking is a talk you’re paid to share. That’s where the Signature Talk Workshop comes in. No professional shows up to just “wing it,” and no event planner hires anyone to come speak about “whatever.” It doesn’t work that way.

But when you can share clearly and confidently what your message is, who it is for and how it helps them with a real problem, you’ve got something event organizers can seriously consider.

This 4-week course combines live, online teaching and individual work with the support of a community of women on the same journey. Want to be the first to know when enrolment opens again? Maybe this is your best next step. Check it out and get on the list. I’d love to see you there!

Is it time? Let’s go!

Do you want to learn more about making money from public speaking? Visit these three posts next:

This post about making money from public speaking was first published in 2020, but it was updated in 2021 just for you.

  1. film says:

    I do believe all of the ideas you have offered in your post. Lynette Krisha Delacourt

  2. […] 5 Things You Need To Pursue Public SpeakingMore Excitement, Less Nerves With Mental RehearsalIf You Only Listen To One Thing, Let It Be This […]

  3. […] 5 Things You Need To Pursue Public SpeakingMore Excitement, Less Nerves With Mental RehearsalIf You Only Listen To One Thing, Let It Be This […]

  4. […] (Whether you’re new to public speaking or quite experienced, the fear of public speaking might remain the same. However, if you are a new public speaker, don’t miss this post next) […]

  5. […] returning to public speaking as it is starting public speaking. If that’s you, take a look at this post for five tips to help you […]

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